
Jelen Family Tree / Genealogy

Based on our research from the middle 1980's, we believe that many of the Jelen's living in the United States today descended from one of five families that emigrated to the U.S.A. in the 1800's. Below is a summary of each family. See if you can trace your roots to one of these families.

Questions we have about Jelen's in the United States:

John and Threasie Jelen came to the U.S. in 1850. We've learned a lot about the descendants of their son Vincent, but need to fill in information about any descendants of their children Frank, Charlie, and Prokop. Also, we would like to document any births or marriages that happened after 1971 in the Vincent Jelen line.

For the Edward Jelen family, does anyone have information on Edwards parents and grandparents? Which ancestors came to the U.S., and did they come from Poland or the Czech Republic? I would like to document birth and marriage dates for everyone in this line of the Jelen's.

Who are the other Jelens who emigrated to the U.S. from Europe? If you are descended from a Jelen family who does not appear to be represented above, please contact us.

Questions about Jelen's in Europe

John Jelen had at least one brother in Bohemia. We would like to find any descendants of this brother in Europe.

Felix Jelen was born November 6, 1869 in Chrastovicich to Josef Jelen and Alzbeta Levy. Josef and Alzbeta were married October 1, 1867 in Radomysli. Josef Jelen was born May 28, 1842 in Chrastovicich to parents Frantisek Jelen and Marie Liskovce. Frantisek & Marie Liskovcove were married August 17, 1841 in Radomysli. Frantisek was a widower when he married Marie. He was born February 3, 1787 in Rohozne to Josef Jelen and Anna Rozena Praklova. Are their other Jelen descendants in Europe who can trace their family back to one of these ancestors?

Felix and August had brothers that stayed behind in the Czech Republic. Ferdinand, Johanna, and Rudolph were probably the names of other siblings. We believe Ferdinand had children Otto and Vladimer. We would like to locate living descendants of this family in Europe.

If you are a descendant of a Jelen, I would like to hear from you. Drop a note to pub at mrexcel dot com.

Other links

This page is the work of Glenn Jelen and Bill Jelen. It is maintained by William M. Jelen, a great-grandson to Felix Jelen. Much of this information was obtained through research with Glenn Jelen, who is a grandson to Felix. I would like to acknowledge contributions by the following: Frank G. Jelen and Andrew C. Jelen for information on the Edward Jelen line, Al Jelen for forwarding me the fantastic family record of Vincent Jelen, Lad Jelen, Ray Jelen, Otilie Tomazin, Jeanette De Simone, Eleanor Schwulera and Adolf Kuhrner who contributed to the August & Felix Jelen line.

Last updated: May 2, 1999